Brexit: Tips and recommendations
Practical guide to BREXIT
On January 1, 2021, the United Kingdom ceased to be a member state of the European Union (EU), which has meant leaving the single market and the customs union.
Are you exporting to the UK? Check out our guide to prepare your transactions in the face of Brexit!
In this Guide you will find out:
What are the effects of Brexit.
How Brexit will affect your company.
What does it mean for the UK to leave the EU.
What are customs formalities.
Registered exporter
In order to obtain the tariff benefit, the agreement will include the method of accreditation of the customs origin of the goods.
In this sense, to accredit the customs origin of the merchandise and consequently to obtain the preferential benefit, the figure of the REGISTERED EXPORTER (REX) will be included.
The application for authorization as a registered exporter (REX) is available in electronic format at the AEAT headquarters.
ZERO Tariff [REX System]
In anticipation of a possible agreement in this sense, the Moldtrans Group recommends having the authorization as a “Registered Exporter”, thus benefiting from the ZERO tariff with the sole inclusion in the commercial invoice of a specific declaration justifying the preferential origin of the goods.
Documentary requirements –Zero Tariff
At the end of 2020 the European Union and the United Kingdom reached an AGREEMENT that includes a Free Trade Agreement for goods. This agreement allows goods with EU or UK customs origin to benefit from preferential tariff treatment, being in most cases a 0% tariff, provided that several documentary requirements are met.
Below you will find the documentary requirements for export transactions with the United Kingdom.
¿Cómo evitar retrasos y paralizaciones? – Incidencias documentales
The start of transport activities between the European Union and the United Kingdom after the beginning of BREXIT, is showing remarkable difficulties linked to the customs formalities required since last January 1, 2021 for the exchange of goods between the two territories.
In this sense, the logistics sector has been denouncing the existence of a high number of documentary incidents associated with the new customs formalities.
This is causing delays and stoppages of vehicles bound for the United Kingdom, as a consequence of the necessary steps to solve the high number of errors detected in the processing before the British customs.
Therefore, we remind you of the main data to be included in your commercial invoices in order to avoid incidents, delays or possible stoppages or blockages of your goods at Spanish and/or British customs:
Webinar: Brexit: Doubts, concerns and common mistakes.
Moldtrans Group helps you to know first hand the main mistakes in the documentary and operational management of trade transactions between the European Union and the United Kingdom and how to avoid them.
Below you can watch the video of the webinar made by Moldtrans, in which we share the opinion and know how with customs experts, with whom we will know:
Tariff 0. How and when is the trade agreement applied?
Main characteristics of an agreement in extremis.
Current context of international trade in the face of BREXIT.
Main problems in its implementation.
How to avoid paralyzations and delays in the management of your shipments.